Rheanna Lewis
Get to know some of our College of Media students! Rheanna Lewis is a Class of 2026 journalism major.
Why did you choose journalism as a major?
As a kid I always loved storytelling. Although I wasn’t thinking about journalism back then, I enjoyed telling stories and being on camera. My mom bought me a camera when I was younger to make video diaries, so I found myself talking to the camera, kind of acting like a vlogger. It wasn’t until high school that I realized that journalism might be the career for me after taking a newspaper class. My teacher for the class inspired me to tell and write stories; it was almost like an art. By senior year it was time to apply to colleges and journalism felt like the right choice. Although I wasn’t sure what kind of journalism I wanted to focus on, I knew the field was right for me.
Have you discovered what kind of journalism you want to focus on?
One of the things I like about journalism is how broad the field is. However, I come from a sports-loving family, and as a result, I am interested in sports journalism. While I don’t know specifically what I would like to do in sports journalism, I do see myself writing game recaps, broadcasting it on television, or taking pictures on the field.
Are you currently involved in any journalism programs or internships?
I am currently taking Journalism 400 for Illini Sports Night. I’m a reporter for the show and I take videos of games, interview players, and get to be a part of production. I think the class will help me narrow down what it is I want to do in sports reporting exactly. I’m also a part of an internship called “The Girls Club,” which is a media company that uplifts women who like to watch, play, and report on sports. From what I’ve seen in the field, it’s very male heavy. I don’t see many women involved in reporting games, especially women of color. So the company helps women break into the industry. Currently, I’m a reporter for their social media so I create content for their platform. It’s great getting to meet women who have the same interests as me, and being able to help other people break into the industry.
As a sophomore transfer student, how has your transition been?
Before coming to Illinois, I attended a university on the west coast for my freshman year. I was intrigued and invested in the west coast, and loved how diverse the community was. But because of a lack of journalism activities outside of school, I decided to transfer to the College of Media at the University of Illinois because of the number of opportunities it has for students. If you like television and broadcast journalism, you have classes at Richmond Studio, if print is more your style you have The Daily Illini, (the student-run newspaper), and if you enjoy sports media there’s Fighting Illini Productions! I’ve been here almost a whole school year and I’m truly happy with my choice. I feel like I belong here. The school has a better environment and also more people with so many different backgrounds. You’d think that a school in the middle of a cornfield wouldn’t have as many opportunities for journalism, and such a diverse population, but you’d be wrong.
What are your career goals post-graduation?
I’ve had this goal on my vision board since I was 11, but my dream is to host my own talk show. I don’t know if I want the show to be more sports-focused or something like the late-night TV show. In my mind I picture my own show with me hosting and talking with all these famous guests. I just love conversing and getting to know people, so getting to just talk with these interesting people, it’s just a dream of mine.
I would also love to work in more digital media spaces focused on sports after graduation! I love sports and I feel comfortable in this field and hope to mix my skills with digital media and sports. I’m not sure what exact job or position I’d want to do, but I’d love for it to have both sports and digital content.
How does your cultural background play into your role as a journalist?
Like I said earlier, you don’t see a lot of people like me in this field. This is why I enjoy getting to talk to people with the same or similar backgrounds. It makes me feel like I can be myself and implement that in the stories I tell and the questions I ask. A big reason why I came here was following [Illinois journalism alumna] Taylor Rooks, who does Thursday Night Football for Prime and she is also a host for Bleacher Report. She’s an alumna from the College of Media and she inspired me to do what it is I want to do. It makes me think that I can rise to a position like hers and be the Taylor Rooks for someone who will be in my position one day.
—Interview by Nathan Gonzalez, New Voices Intern